Introduction to Broadcast and Accumulator Variables in Spark

5 min readMar 31, 2024


Apache Spark is a distributed computing framework that allows processing large datasets across clusters of computers. In distributed computing, minimizing data transfer between nodes is crucial for performance optimization. Two key concepts in Spark for achieving this are broadcast variables and accumulators.

Broadcast Variables

Broadcast variables allow efficient sharing of read-only variables across all tasks within a Spark job. Instead of sending these variables with every task, Spark distributes them to each executor only once, thus reducing overhead.


Accumulators are variables used for aggregating information across all tasks in a Spark job. They provide a way to update a shared variable across tasks in parallel while providing only limited forms of communication and synchronization.

Now, let’s delve into the practical implementation of broadcast variables and accumulators in PySpark and Spark SQL.

Working with Broadcast Variables in PySpark

In PySpark, you can create broadcast variables using the broadcast() method. Here's an example:

from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext("local", "BroadcastExample")

# Creating a broadcast variable
broadcast_var = sc.broadcast([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# Using the broadcast variable in a transformation
rdd = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
result = x: x * broadcast_var.value[0]).collect()

In this example, we create a broadcast variable containing a list of integers and use it within an RDD transformation.

Working with Accumulators in PySpark

Accumulators in PySpark are created using the accumulator() method. Here's an example of using an accumulator to count the number of elements greater than a threshold:

from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext("local", "AccumulatorExample")

# Creating an accumulator
accumulator_var = sc.accumulator(0)

# Using the accumulator in a transformation
rdd = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
threshold = 2
rdd.foreach(lambda x: accumulator_var.add(1) if x > threshold else None)
print("Count of elements greater than", threshold, ":", accumulator_var.value)

In this example, we create an accumulator variable and use it within an RDD transformation to count elements greater than a specified threshold.

Working with Broadcast and Accumulator Variables in Spark SQL

In Spark SQL, you can also use broadcast and accumulator variables. Here’s an example using Spark SQL

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
.appName("BroadcastAccumulatorExample") \

# Creating a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (3, 'C'), (4, 'D'), (5, 'E')], ["id", "value"])

# Broadcasting a DataFrame
broadcast_df = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(df)

# Using the broadcast DataFrame in a transformation
def process_data(row):
# Accessing the broadcast DataFrame
global broadcast_df
df_value = broadcast_df.value

# Perform some computation using the broadcast DataFrame
# Here, we're just printing the row values
print(row, df_value)

# Applying the transformation

# Creating an accumulator
accumulator_var = spark.sparkContext.accumulator(0)

# Using the accumulator in a transformation
threshold = 2
df.foreach(lambda row: accumulator_var.add(1) if row['id'] > threshold else None)
print("Count of elements greater than", threshold, ":", accumulator_var.value)

In this Spark SQL example, we create a DataFrame and broadcast it to all executors. Then, we use the broadcast DataFrame in a transformation function. Additionally, we create an accumulator variable to count elements greater than a specified threshold.

When to Use Broadcast Variables:

  1. Small, Read-Only Data: Broadcast variables are ideal for distributing small, read-only data sets (e.g., lookup tables, configuration parameters) to all tasks across a Spark job. These variables are broadcasted efficiently to all executors and cached in memory, reducing the overhead of transferring data with each task.
  2. Join Operations: When performing join operations between large and small DataFrames or RDDs, broadcasting the smaller DataFrame/RDD can significantly improve performance. This is because it reduces the amount of data shuffled across the network during the join operation.
  3. Memory Efficiency: Using broadcast variables can improve memory efficiency, especially when the same data is accessed multiple times across multiple tasks within a Spark job. Instead of replicating the data for each task, it’s stored once in memory and shared across all tasks.
  4. Immutable Data: Broadcast variables are immutable, meaning they cannot be modified after creation. Therefore, they are suitable for distributing data that doesn’t need to be updated or changed during the execution of a Spark job.

When Not to Use Broadcast Variables:

  1. Large Data Sets: Broadcasting large data sets can consume excessive memory resources and may even lead to out-of-memory errors. It’s important to evaluate the size of the data being broadcasted and ensure it fits comfortably in the memory available to each executor.
  2. Frequent Updates: Since broadcast variables are immutable, they are not suitable for scenarios where the data needs to be updated frequently during the execution of a Spark job. In such cases, consider alternatives such as caching or distributed shared variables.

When to Use Accumulators:

  1. Aggregation Operations: Accumulators are useful for aggregating values across all tasks in a Spark job. They allow you to perform computations such as counting occurrences, calculating sums, or finding maximum/minimum values efficiently and in a distributed manner.
  2. Monitoring and Logging: Accumulators can be used for monitoring and logging purposes, allowing you to track the progress or specific metrics of your Spark job. For example, you can use accumulators to count the number of failed records or log the execution time of certain tasks.
  3. Side Effects: Accumulators are suitable for scenarios where you need to perform side effects within transformations or actions, such as updating external state or performing non-idempotent operations.

When Not to Use Accumulators:

  1. Parallel Mutations: Accumulators should not be used for parallel mutations or updates within transformations, as they are not designed for concurrent modifications from multiple tasks. Attempting to update an accumulator concurrently from multiple tasks can lead to unpredictable behavior and data corruption.
  2. Complex State Management: Accumulators are intended for simple aggregation operations and should not be used for managing complex state or performing intricate computations. For complex state management, consider using other distributed data structures or frameworks tailored to your specific requirements.


In Apache Spark, broadcast and accumulator variables are essential for optimizing distributed computations. Broadcast variables efficiently distribute read-only data to all executors, reducing overhead, while accumulators aggregate information across tasks in a Spark job. By using these constructs wisely, you can improve the performance and scalability of your Spark applications.




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